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In each of EMW Serviens’ three focus areas, we look for ways to help people with an identified need directly.  We also support and partner with other organizations whose work aligns with our purposes. 


One of our long-term goals is to establish a missions center.  We envision the center as a place that both provides services and serves as a hub for our operations.  The center would include a housing component for retired missionaries and ministers’ widows, as well as facilities for research and study and for training teachers and missionaries.  The idea is to build a true community dedicated to serving God, each other, and our neighbors throughout the world.


As we work towards opening the missions center and other long-term goals, we are flexible enough to engage in smaller projects with a more immediate impact, such as our Housing Assistance Program.  We constantly evaluate how best to use our resources to most effectively serve those in need.


We collaborate with other nonprofits that are committed to strengthening and providing Bible-based education to children.  We hope to, eventually, train and mobilize teachers with a heart for missions.


We assist retired missionaries find housing.  Given the financial constraints of long-term service in a foreign mission field, many missionaries cannot afford housing for themselves upon returning home.  Our Housing Assistance Program is a way to bridge this gap.  In the long term, we plan to set up a platform for training, sending, and supporting missionaries.


We continuously consider how we can help those in need, especially those too often neglected by the world.  Specifically, we have a heart for orphans and widows.  Our Housing Assistance Program is open to qualified widows of ministers.

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